Jada Jay
Height: 5'4"
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Union: Non-Union
Ruthless Atonement Principal Benet Embry
Dark Distortion Principal Joseph Herrera
Hunter of The Night Supporting Kitty Jones
Older Man, younger Woman Supporting Benet Embry
Intentions Supporting Jordan DragonKing
In Due Time Principal Samina Najmah
The Entity Within Principal Chaselyn Wade
Detour Principal Chaselyn Wade
His Truth, Her Truth, The Truth Principal Emmanuel Ndejito
The Bubbly Black Girl Sheds Chitty Chatty Pal Jubilee Theatre
Her Chameleon Skin
The Color Purple Squeak Jubilee Theatre
World Premiere Paw Patrol Live Liberty/Everest Nickelodeon
Heroes Unite (National Tour)
Harriet Tubman: An American Moses Harriet Tubman Jeremy Torres Theatre
To Be Young, Gifted & Black Beneatha/Mariela Jubilee Theatre
If Scrooge Was A Brother Tina Jubilee Theatre
The Twelfth Night Maria LRHS 35 Day Theatre
The Drowsy Chaperone Kitty LRHS 35 Day Theatre
the Best Christmas Pageant Ever Narrator Mainstage Classical
The Little Mermaid Jetsam MISD Summer Musical
The 25th Annual Putnam County Bee Marcy Parks LRHS 35 Day Theatre
Commercial & Print
List available upon request.

B.F.A Theatre Teaching Certification - Texas State University

Cold Reading - Thespian Convention

Acting On Pitch Thespian Convention

Film 1 - Ben Sullivan - Cathryn Sullivan Film

Film 2 - Lydia Shock - Cathryn Sullivan Film

Film 3 - Ben Sullivan - Cathryn Sullivan Film

Special Skills
Dancing (Hip Hop, Jazz, Tap, Ballet), Running, Rapping, Clasically trained mezzo-soprano, Photography, Beginner Piano, Improv, Stage combat (unarmed), Music Theory (Sight Read), Accent (English/Southern), Cheerleading, Roller Skating, Puppeteering, Climbing, Videography, MMA Fighter Training, Character Costume Performer (Mascot)