Kayla Olson
Height: 5'4
Eyes: Green
Hair: Brunette
Union: Non-Union
Once You Leave Kayla Marshall (Lead) Nathan Locklear
Marcy's Trip Marcy (Lead) Renee Troxler
Novel Idea Leandra May Kevin Harris
Nothing Like Ivanhoe Love Interest Bug Davidson
And Baby Makes Seven Anna Renee Troxler
The Date The One Kayla Olson
Windows Are Only Solid Air The Loner (Lead) Circle Arts Theatre
Androclese and the Lion Androclese (Lead) Circle Arts Theatre
Pippin Bertha Circle Arts Theatre
Godspell Gilmer Circle Arts Theatre
Seussical the Musical Bird Girl Circle Arts Theatre
Jungle Book Grab the Wolf Circle Arts Theatre
Once Upon A Mattress The Minstrel Circle Arts Theatre
Tale of the Wolf Ensemble Circle Arts Theatre
Commercial & Print
List available upon request.

Stage Performance - Marietta Hedges - ​University North Texas

Advanced Scene Study - Kimberly Wheeler - Carol Hickey Studio

Film Acting - CK McFarland - Alleywood Studio

Explorer Class - Mona Lee - Brite Lites Studio

TV Announcing - Richard Cutler - Austin Comm. College

Children’s Theatre - Roberta Elliott - Circle Arts Theatre

Special Skills
Improv, Singing, Some Guitar/Piano/Drums, Dance: Tap/Jazz/Ballet, Light Weight Training, Running, Swimming, Biking, Soccer, Basketball, Texas Accent, Barista, Animal Lover, Filmmaker, Screenwriter, Producer, 2011 Indie Intertube Best Actress