Preston Ware
Height: 6'1"
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brunette
Union: Non-Union
Shocker 9 Oliver Dir. Joubal Vernaza
Stainded Glass Daniel Dir. Chris Kinzie
How To Succeed in Business Without Really Trying Mr. Gatch/TV Announcer Moonlight Musicals
Commercial & Print
List available upon request.

Acting I & II - Dean Nolen - Texas Tech University

Acting For The Camera - Dean Nolen - Texas Tech University

Auditioning - Dean Nolen - Texas Tech University

Voice For The Actor I - Rachel Hirshorn - Texas Tech Univerisity

Movement For The Actor I & II - Rachel Hirshorn - Texas Tech Univerisity

TBell Acting Studio - Theresa Bell - Dallas, Texas

Special Skills
Hockey, Football, Basketball, Accents: Southern, Canadian, Boston, Australian, British, Spanish, Improvisation, Stage Combat, Roller Skating, Jiu-Jitsu, Hand Gun, Automatic Weapon